Ministry Opportunities

There are many opportunities to join the ministry of Good Shepherd, please feel free to contact the following individuals with questions or to get involved. 

Altar Care Team

Time commitment:

About once a week; alternating months.



Members of Good Shepherd’s altar care team encourage anyone interested in serving the church “behind the scenes” to consider the altar care ministry. Altar care people change altar cloths and banners, and fill candles, as needed. Currently, members alternate months of service. 

For details, visit with Sherry Nelson,

Karen Gunderson or Marilyn Trosper. 

Country Store

Time commitment:

A couple of hours one Tuesday each month,

or sub when you are available.



Volunteers work in the store a couple of hours each month on a Tuesday. The store, an ecumenical venture, offers second-hand merchandise, with proceeds benefiting local groups. Please contact the Church office.





Food Pantry



The Polson Loaves & Fish Food Pantry recently moved into new quarters and welcomes volunteers to help serve clients. The Pantry is open Tuesdays, 2-6 p.m., and Fridays, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. For details, visit with board member Sid Rundell at 849-5053.




(but not just for quilters!)

Time commitment:

Any Monday morning you're available to help.



This past year, Good Shepherd’s quilters completed over 250 quilts for Lutheran World Relief. They're on a break now for the summer, but starting the first Monday after Labor Day, they will meet on Mondays, 9 a.m.-noon, to prepare another shipment of quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Anyone can help with the quilts -- no sewing experience is required. For details, call the Church office at 883-5864.



Sunday School Classes




Classes are offered for children ages 3 through 6th grade students on Sundays are suspended at this time.  At home options are available, if you would like more information on the program or would like to get involved, please contact the Church office.


Property Management Committee




This committee's goal to determine the state of our properties and set a plan for necessary upkeep. If you would like information about ongoing projects or would like to see how you can get involved please contact the Church office. 



Adult Choir



The adult choir rehearses on Sundays. Everyone is welcome to come and sing with us!  For more information on the choir or to find out how you can join please contact the Church office.


Good Shepherd Church Women




This group of women meets on a monthly basis, however during the summer they meet less frequently. They have in the past done such things as straighten up the kitchen. For more information or to find out how you can get involved please contact the Church office. 

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Time commitment: 

Whenever you have time to knit!


The Prayer Shawl Ministry creates and delivers shawls to people in need of comforting. If you know of someone who is sick, grieving, or in special need of prayers and love in our community, let us know. Or, if you are a knitter, we have yarn and instructions available so that you can help make these beautiful shawls! For more information please contact the Church office.

Sunshine Ministry



The Sunshine Ministry is coordinated by Barb Dolphin.  She sends out birthday wishes, get well, sympathy and we are thinking of you cards daily.  She can also send out cards to anyone you feel needs a special note.  Please contact the office for more information.  Thank you Barb!

For more information about the ministries that we support please click on one of the links below.